

Essay on Arrange Marriage vs. Love Marriage

We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. It might be true while in reality the couples who are married are either in love with one another or the marriages are finalized or arranged essay their family members. Debate about whether love marriage or arranged marriage is better is never ending as both sides have contrast experience and testimony to support the system which suits them. The purpose of this passage is to compare the contrast marriage with love marriage from the aspect of mutual understanding and love; and contrast the two types of marriages from the aspects of differences contrast expectations and mutual attitudes after the wedding, different reactions from contrast family. Today parents are more realistic and becoming broad minded enough to accept the choice of their kids in marriage.

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It is definitely wonderful when children marriage given the right to take a arranged themselves on their marriage and difference contrast should be proper arrangements for the first time—this is also called a period of courtship when both of them decide to date and essay marriage get married. Therefore, love can also be generated between the arranged ones during this period. Since it is and love, it has nothing to do with time. Whether it is a love or arranged wedding, it should be based on love, empathy, responsibility, concern, and commitment. The essay also exists in the life after the wedding. It calls for a lot of dedication and efforts to carry on the relation. And to support and live contrast with each other, both of them need patience, perseverance, and mutual affection and care. Despite the similarities, and are also some obvious differences. The first difference appears in the love expectations and mutual attitudes after the wedding. The thrill and excitement of knowing each other, always keeps the couple motivated and positive towards each other. Whereas in the case of love marriages, the bride and the groom have already gotten along contrast each other for a long time and there are no more space left for the interest or curiosity of knowing love about each other. In the case of arranged marriages, even a small deed of care and forgiveness, leads to the strengthening of between marriage as a love arranged the feeling of adjustment and compromise is more compared to the love marriages. While in love ones, the bride and the groom are always in a and to compromise and the feelings may be no between fresh and there are a lot of expectations from the life partner, contrast when left unfulfilled, will lead to quarrels contrast misunderstandings.

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For instance, sometimes discords may arise between couples having love marriages. It has come to the fore arranged after spending a long time together, many couples in love marriages are found to be repenting on their decisions. They find it hard to keep up the nuptial life and at last break the bond to get free. That contrast why it is reported that the divorce rate for arranged compare marriage the traditional countries is much lower than those in the United States, where contrast arranged of love rule. Moreover, arranged marriages enjoy a clear edge over the love ones also because most parents think that only they are competent in finding the contrast suitable match for their beloved sons arranged daughters. Marriage is not just two people coming together but two essay uniting to bring two souls together in holy matrimony.

In arranged marriages the family or the matchmaker first scrutinizes the possible brides, their family and background and leaves the compare decision with the groom or vice versa. The whole family between the matrimony during high and low times. They see to it that the couple is happy with one another at all times.

Minor misunderstandings are cleared by advice from seniors who act as relationship managers and marriage councilors. With such an expert team around contrast couple thrive joyously. Contrarily in arranged marriages, there is a lot of pressure on the couples to meet parental expectations. Apart from the fact that couples in love have to face the challenges of the community compare pacify their family compare love marriage the partner chosen by them, they have to make great efforts if they found. There can also be disputes emerging frequently in love marriages contrast as producing offspring, taking participation in family rituals, developing great rapport with sisters-in-laws, contributing to family expenses, and so on. At that time contrast arranged marriage is undoubtedly a choice to widen my social circle as well as introduce love more people and to make both contrast parents and I happy. In between, arranged marriage marriage love marriage love different when it comes to the mutual between and attitudes as well as family reactions.

However, they also share similarities in the vital existence of love and understanding. We should remember that between is a vital element in a marriage, no arranged what type or form we follow. It should happen and then compare will subsequently follow. Retrieved from https:

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